Saturday, March 25, 2006

Half a day on the Hill

Here’s the view from the guesthouse.


It started out quite grey and damp, but stayed dry throughout the day for us, just beginning to drizzle as we got back to the cars.


There was still some snow lying on the hill, so once we reached a certain height we were tramping through patches of snow or very boggy terrain as a result of the snow-melt; you wouldn’t believe it’s nearly April!


We climbed up from Rosthwaite towards King’s Howe. After lunch we reached Dock Tarn (below) which still had some ice cover, before dropping down quite a steep incline to a bridleway which took us back around to Rosthwaite.



Despite all the snow and ice in evidence, the weather was quite mild and pleasant and although the sunshine was limited we did get some quite stark, striking views of the surrounding fells. We also came across a colourful toad lurking on one of the leeward tracks.


There was one moment of ‘excitement’ when the path gave way beneath Brett and he slid a way down an incline. Fortunately no injuries resulted and he was back on his feet in no time at all, albeit somewhat muddier than he had been.



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